Press release from Simon Møkster Shipping, dated 26 October 2022:

“DeepOcean and Møkster has entered a longterm agreement for the Stril Server. Møkster is proud to enter this contract with a major operator in the offshore renewables and oil and gas industries. DeepOcean will mobilise the vessel with advanced survey equipment including two WROVs.

The contract will start in 1Q 2023 and is firm until end of 2024 with further options. The contract also opens for installation of battery hybrid solution at next special survey. This will add another vessel to Møkster’s fleet of battery hybrid vessels and further contribute to reduced emissions of greenhouse gases and reduced fuel costs for the customers.

“One of our company’s core values is being long-term. Long term partnerships with our customers is important to develop improved, cost-effective and environmental solutions to meet future demands. Our team onboard Stril Server and our land organisation are looking forward to the cooperation with DeepOcean“ says Anne Jorunn Møkster, CEO of Simon Møkster Shipping.

Stril Server is a multi-purpose subsea vessel built in 2014. It is a compact vessel with 70 tons AHC crane, good DP capabilities and holding SPS class for 90 persons. The vessel has predominantly operated as SOV in the renewables segment and as a air diving support vessel. The vessel is presently working on the Hywind Tampen floating windmill project as a Service Operation Vessel (SOV).

Simon Møkster Shipping owns and operates 16 modern vessels in the PSV, ERRV, Subsea/Survey and Renewables businesses.”

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“STRIL SERVER” / Stavanger

TYPE: Multi purpose

IMO NO: 9665047

4752 gt / 1426 nt / 4000

Delivered from Simek AS., Flekkefjord / Norway (Yard no 127), in May 2014.

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Archive photo:

“STRIL SERVER” / reg. Stavanger, moored at her “homebase” at Tasta / Stavanger, 23 October 2019.

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